哈哈... 為了有多一點相,為了慳家,3月初在ESD forum報名參加Ooops Production的婚攝,是Free Studio Package呢﹗
哈.... 感謝主﹗
有興趣的姊妹快點報名啦,他們有第二波Free Studio Package呢~
hi, did u take the pics yet??? i'm interested as well. is it really free???
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/30/2010 11:23:00]Yup, it is really free of charge... but the promotion has been fully applied~
oh... did u see the photos yet?? r they good??? hope can wait for next time hehe!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/30/2010 13:11:00]U can click the like for photo reference here of their facebook a/c. There are some photos they took. =]