由Xanga到Yahoo 由Yahoo到Blogger 繼續編寫大小點滴
2. 我很喜歡這設計,因剛好我的Guestbook是類近款式
3. 已接觸賣家,價錢頗實惠
4. 賣家已回覆,很貴呢~ 但偏偏很喜愛Vintage Rose
5. 很典雅的設計,值得參考﹗
6. 因打算以紫色作主調,這款的紫色也不俗﹗
我喜歡這個 因為有我婚禮主題lovebird~[版主回覆07/02/2010 13:25:00]我都估你會鍾意呢個~
喜歡這個ma??我覺得都唔錯呀~[版主回覆07/02/2010 13:26:00]嘩,很靚呢~ 你用黎做Bridesmaid卡啦~ 呢個設計真係好fit
i tend to love floral theme![版主回覆07/03/2010 20:15:00]haha, yup, I do love floral theme~ That's why I love Vintage Rose pattern However, it's so expensive!!
回覆刪除我喜歡這個 因為有我婚禮主題lovebird~
[版主回覆07/02/2010 13:25:00]我都估你會鍾意呢個~
[版主回覆07/02/2010 13:26:00]嘩,很靚呢~
你用黎做Bridesmaid卡啦~ 呢個設計真係好fit
i tend to love floral theme!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/03/2010 20:15:00]haha, yup, I do love floral theme~ That's why I love Vintage Rose pattern
However, it's so expensive!!